
Solving Transfers with the Rifton TRAM

Ingenious Solutions from the Field

Elena Noble, MPT | January 2021

The Rifton TRAM provides smooth, safe and easy transfers. Positioning the body support snugly around the client’s torso is key to a successful transfer. However, sometimes the fixed armrests of a wheelchair get in the way of bringing the TRAM close enough. Furthermore, removing the armrests is a tool-dependent and time-consuming process. Here is a simple way to get the TRAM body-support where you need it without removing the armrests of the wheelchair:

  1. Raise the TRAM so the top of the body support is at height of the axilla.

    A man being transferred out of a wheelchair with a Rifton TRAM
  2. Place the body support around individual and loosely secure the buckle. With buckle closed, the TRAM body support will now fit in between the wheelchair arm rests.

    A man being transferred out of a wheelchair with a Rifton TRAM
  3. Lower the TRAM so that body support is positioned at the base of the trunk.

    A man being transferred out of a wheelchair with a Rifton TRAM
  4. Tighten buckle of body support for snug fit.

    A man being transferred out of a wheelchair with a Rifton TRAM
  5. Complete the transfer.

    A man being transferred out of a wheelchair with a Rifton TRAM


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