
Ingenious Solutions from the Field

Turning the Pacer Chest Prompt into a Hip Corral

Lori Potts, PT | August 2016

A creative concept that came to us from the field is to use the Pacer Chest Prompt as a guide for hip positioning often referred to as a hip corral. This is achieved by flipping the chest prompt upside-down, so that the longer portion of the prompt faces downward. Having the chest prompt low around the hips can be an effective way to provide positioning for the student who has good trunk control but difficulty maintaining alignment of the pelvis.

Here are the simple steps to make this happen.

Note: Make sure the buckles end up facing back, so that the straps and flaps can open easily to allow transfer into the device. 

A photo of the Pacer gait trainer showing the chest prompt in the standard position.

Chest prompt in usual position.

A school therapist removes the chest prompt from the Pacer gait trainer.

Remove chest prompt from upright posts.

A school therapist shows you how to turn the chest prompt on the Pacer gait trainer.

Turn Chest Prompt over.              

A school therapist turns the Pacer chest prompts until it is upside-down.

Complete turn so chest prompt is upside-down with opening in back.

A school therapist secures the Pacer chest prompts into the upright posts.

Secure chest prompt into upright posts.                                  

A school therapist lowers the height of the upright posts to position the chest prompts for use.

Lower height of upright posts to position chest prompt where needed.

A school therapist adjusts the width and angle of the chest prompt to accommodate a student with disabilities.

Finalize width and angle adjustments as needed.                  

A school therapists checks that buckles and flaps on the chest prompt open easily for the student transfer.

Double check buckles and flaps open towards back for student transfer.



Refer to this checklist to make sure students are properly positioned all-around in their gait trainers. 

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