
Aging in Place with the Rifton TRAM

An Interview with Jim Bennett of ADL Solutions

Elena Noble, MPT | November 2014

An aging man at home using the Rifton TRAM to go from sitting to standingJim Bennett formed his company to help people stay in their homes longer and more safely. Originally serving the greater Phoenix area, ADL Solutions has since expanded to serve clients statewide and even further afield. Because ADL has been supplying so many TRAMs to their clients we wanted to find out more about Jim’s operations and how his clients were benefitting from the TRAM.

What are the most important things to know about your company?

ADL Solutions creates accessible environments to improve the quality of life of those who are aging or have a disability. The provision of home modifications and state-of-the-art adaptive devices are some of the services we provide to create safe and barrier-free residences and institutions. With this assistance individuals can maintain their levels of independence and remain in their homes longer.

Describe your Aging in Place certification and why it’s important.

Services at ADL Solutions are provided by a team of professionals including Certified Aging in Place Specialists (CAPS), Certified Environmental Access Consultants (CEAC), and Certified Accessibility Specialists (CASP), among others. The CAPS certification equips me with the skills to perform an effective home accessibility evaluation to determine where and what modifications may be needed to make it a safe and functional place to live. This same certification also keeps me up-to-date on the latest industry trends and equipment so my clients know they are receiving first-rate services.

How does the Rifton TRAM fit into the services ADL Solutions offers? 

As the TRAM is a state-of-the art transfer and mobility device it fits well into the services we offer. With the TRAM, safe and supported sit-to-stand or seated transfers as well as safe ambulation is made possible in the home. The TRAM works well in small spaces and eliminates the need for additional transfer devices. It is certainly the best unit on the market as it can be used in so many situations.

Among the clients you serve, who have you found to be the most enthusiastic about the TRAM?

I have found that people who are rehabilitating after a stroke or a fall, for instance, are the most enthusiastic about the TRAM. They use the device to transfer, but more importantly to strengthen their legs and coordinate their balance through supported gait practice.

Have you met with any skepticism about the TRAM’s effectiveness? 

No. Everyone who has observed the TRAM has been amazed at its versatility. From users, parents, spouses, occupational therapists and physical therapists, we have only had great response.

Where do you find funding for a device such as the TRAM in Arizona? How do your clients go about acquiring one? 

At present we are working with the Department of Developmental Disabilities, Rehabilitation Services Administration, and Arizona’s Medicaid program (AHCCCS). We are also working with a medical coding company to see if we can get the TRAM coded in Arizona for easier billing. But the key is education. When reviewers for the various payers see what the TRAM can do and how it will save their program money, they understand the value they’re getting. It just takes time and patience, but it will pay off.

Do you have a memorable story of the Rifton TRAM being used successfully to solve a problem?

My best story is one that started with a referral from someone who had seen the TRAM at an Abilities Expo and wanted to purchase one for his brother-in-law in Arizona. After he received his TRAM I went to provide training. It was only when I saw his wife in tears that I realized what had been accomplished. This man had not been able to stand for many years; the TRAM made possible something that had seemed impossible

Now he uses the TRAM every day to practice step-taking. With the TRAM he also transfers on and off the toilet and to and from the bed, wheelchair and recliner—something he could never do before. The versatility of the TRAM certainly transformed his situation and gave an amazing boost to his quality of life. It is experiences such as these that make my job so rewarding.

Download pdf on funding ideas for home modifications

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