
Stationary Bike Stand for Adaptive Tricycles

Elena Noble, MPT | June 2011

A thank you letter 
Contributed by Lisa Perry, teacher

A young boy exercising on his adaptive tricycle in the classroom thanks to the Rifton stationary bike stand.Rifton’s Stationary Bicycle Stand Helps Marcos Go Independent at School
Go Marcos Go! This afternoon our stationary trike stand arrived from Rifton. We had only seen the stand on the Rifton website (not in action) but we knew we wanted one immediately. You can imagine our excitement when we opened the box today. The student we envisioned using it for really enjoys riding one of the Rifton trikes (indoors and outdoors). He does not steer independently, so riding the trike requires a trainer to be with him at all times. Actually, we haven’t found anything that Marcos likes to do independently – he likes 1:1 attention no matter what he is doing. But with the stationary stand Marcos can be independent and exercise using equipment that he enjoys. We have an area in our classroom where we can position the trike and stand (never too far away from others) in a place where he can be on his own (pedaling the whole time, listening to his favorite CD’s) yet close enough he has the security of having “us” close by. It is also age appropriate and offers students’ a great workout. We love it!

Lisa Perry
Truman Elementary School, Iowa

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