
Fabulous New Video: The Power of Movement

Dave Schreuder | March 2012

A teen in a gait trainer smiles big in his dark sunglasses as he takes advantage of the MOVE Program at Woodland Developmental CenterI hope as many people as possible in the special needs community can watch this new video about how the MOVE program is changing lives at the Woodland Developmental Center in Marysville, Michigan.

Several months ago the Superintendent of the St. Clair County Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA), a strong supporter of the MOVE Program, arranged for the Michigan Superintendent of Public Instruction to visit St. Clair County.  One of the stops included a visit to the Woodland school, specifically to learn more about the MOVE program. The state Superintendent was impressed. After the tour he commented that this program was the only one he had ever seen that truly applied directly to this population. Wanting to share the success of the Woodland MOVE program, the RESA superintendent commissioned a video feeling that it was a story he wanted to be able to share more widely. This is the result. I think you’ll be impressed too.

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