
Discontinued products

We’re sorry. The product you’re looking for is no longer in production.

| October 2013

Early in 2013 we made the difficult decision to discontinue four products: the Toddler Chair, the Compass Chair, the Corner Floor Sitter, and the MultiDesk.

Although they are wonderful products that have served so many, there is good reason for the change. First, they are static products that do not meet adjustability needs as well as some of our other devices. For example, with regard to seating, increasingly therapists and teachers are turning to our Rifton Activity Chair for its functional design and ability to accommodate growth as well as a wide range of client disabilities. Additionally, like you, Rifton has grown increasingly mindful of infection control and the need to keep our equipment clean. As much as we loved to incorporate wood into our products, wooden chairs are difficult to keep clean.

Your account manager would be happy to provide you with a list of similar products made by other manufacturers that may meet your needs. Email or call 800-571-8198.

Update (January 2019): Good news for those who have been wishing for the old Rifton Compass Chair… A newly redesigned Compass Chair is available now.

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