
Reverse the Pacer’s Multi-Positioning Saddle in Just 10 Seconds

The Making of a Posterior Gait Trainer

Lori Potts, PT | November 2016

Many of our customers love the versatility of the new Rifton Pacer, but not everyone knows the simple and quick trick to reverse the Multi Positioning Saddle (MPS) allowing an individual to benefit from the pelvic positioning and weight bearing assist while using the Pacer gait trainer as a posterior walker.

Here are the simple steps to make this happen:


  1. Slide the saddle all the way back.
  2. Slide the hip corral all the way forward.
  3. Press the white button under saddle, and the small white buttons just in front of the saddle. Pull the saddle back until these small white buttons are inside the track.
  4. Continue to pull the saddle back, while pressing the white button under the saddle, until the saddle is removed.
  5. Turn the saddle around.
  6. While pressing the white button under the saddle, re-insert the saddle in the reverse position
  7. Following this step, the hip corral can be removed in order to place the individual into the Pacer. Re-insert hip corral when individual is ready.
  8. Slide the hip corral to desired location, while pressing the white hip corral button down.

Want to know more about the specific functions of the Multi Positioning Saddle? Here’s a great tutorial.

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