
Four Training Videos on the Rifton Pacer

Lori Potts, PT | February 2016

Rifton dynamic pacer

Rifton now offers four educational videos about the Pacer. Since this product includes a host of new features, we think you’ll find they are excellent staff training tools.

Video 1: Getting to know the Multi-Position Saddle Adjustments 1:43
The Multi-Position Saddle is a fabulous new positioning accessory. Learn how to adjust the saddle for height, angle, and depth to provide the best possible support and positioning. Learn also how to adjust the depth and height of the hip corral to give appropriate anterior support.

Video 2: Pacer Transfer Using the MPS 3:04
The Multi-Position Saddle makes transferring heavier or more involved clients into the Pacer far easier. This video will show how to move your client from the sitting position  to upright in the Pacer with far less strain on the care providers.

Video 3: Good Positioning for Optimal Gait Training 6:01
Here’s a great video to incorporate into a staff inservice. The New Pacer allows for customized positioning for each individual for better gait training. There are many ways the frame and accessories can be adjusted during the initial trial and fitting. Here, you will see three case stories showing students with varied physical abilities and limitations and how the Pacer can be adjusted to meet their needs and improve their gait.

Video 4: The Advantages of Dynamic Movement 5:29
This video gives a more in depth explanation of the purpose and benefit of the dynamic (vertical and horizontal) movement available with the Pacer. Watch three examples with 1) the treadmill base over a treadmill, 2) the standard base indoors, and 3) the utility base outdoors. In every case, the vertical movement for dynamic weight bearing and lateral movement for dynamic weight shifting produces dramatic improvement in gait performance.

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