
Indoor Therapy with a Special Needs Stationary Trike

Elena Noble, MPT | January 2015

A therapist works with a special needs teen who is pedaling away indoors on a stationary trikeChilly winter days are here to stay for a while (at least in upstate New York). But that doesn’t mean you need to put your Rifton adaptive trike in storage until spring. Frequent requests from parents and therapists prompted us to design a simple stationary stand to enable a continuum of trike therapy and exercise, indoors as well as outside.

When placed on its stationary stand, the adaptive tricycle becomes an indoor stationary trainer for continued lower extremity range of motion and reciprocal movement even in the coldest weather. Not only does this maintain the therapeutic benefits made during summer bike rides, but it provides an option for much needed exercise to individuals who, because of their disabilities, lead mostly sedentary lives.

A stationary stand for the Rifton Tricycles enables individuals with special needs to have indoor therapy and exercise during the winter monthsThe stationary stand is small, light and surprisingly affordable. And best of all, one size stand accommodates all three sizes of trike. Simply place the back bar of the adaptive tricycle into the stationary stand and the pedaling can begin.  

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