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 Kirk Wareham

Kirk Wareham

I’ve been involved in Rifton Equipment since its beginning in 1975, doing a variety of tasks including welding and machining, purchasing, documentation, and design. I have (truly) enjoyed each job along the way.

Currently I oversee the design of all Rifton’s products. This is exciting and inspiring work because of the direct connection with the children and adults with disabilities that we serve, and our ongoing dialog with their wonderful caregivers.

I have had many opportunities to go to schools and institutions to see our current products in use and to find out what new products are needed. Then the real challenge begins: working with our team of designers to create a product that is functional, safe, durable, intuitive to operate, affordable (particularly with our depressed economy), and aesthetically acceptable (look at my new bike, Mom!).

On the side, I write a little, read a lot (the classics), and get out into nature as much as possible.

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