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Clare Stober

Clare Stober

Talking about Rifton has been my preoccupation since 2006. Some people call it marketing, but I prefer to think of it as sharing the story of a company that designs and makes the highest quality equipment it possibly can for children, and now also adults, who deserve the best we can offer. Along the way, I’ve met, and talked with, many dedicated health-care professionals who share Rifton’s outlook and who also see their work as a calling to serve these special people.

I hope we can use Rifton’s blog to share some of the inspiring stories we hear almost daily—stories of hope, progress, and innovation by therapists and users of Rifton’s products.

On weekends you’ll find me at a pottery wheel, turning out functional stoneware while listening to audio books. I find this a great way to both unwind and at the same time, learn something new. Got any title suggestions?

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