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Carmen Hinkey

Carmen Hinkey

Hi, I’m Carmen, and I’ve been a member of the Rifton company since I started working. My father was the trucking manager in the days when every order was manually routed through the best carrier, for the best rates he could buy. As a child, I loved visiting him in his office: bringing him coffee after his lunch, and the argot of commerce soon became familiar to my ears. But I won’t tell you how many years ago that was.

Now I’m a mother, and while all my own children are blessed with abundant good health, I have always been touched by children whose physicality is challenged, and who exhibit tremendous strengths by how they meet and in many ways overcome these challenges. I love to read, and some of my favorite books as a young girl were With Love from Karen, by Marie Killilea, and For the Love of Ann, by James Copeland. This was early disability lit, and I felt drawn into the worlds of these two girls who faced difficulties I had never dreamed of. Rifton is there for Karens and Anns of today, and so many more.

When I’m done at the office, I go home and quiet my head with some knitting. For recreation, find me at the stove, cooking for my family and friends. Nothing like a good marinara sauce from tomatoes I put up myself! (And garlic my husband grew).

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