How To’s Cleaning Rifton Equipment
All of our products are tested to withstand a 10% bleach solution. Because of this, we expect that most commercial disinfectants can be used on our equipment without harming it...
How To’s The Rifton Adaptive Tricycle Recreation and Therapy
Recall the days of your childhood… hair streaming out behind, wobbling down a hill at what you thought was break–neck speed, pedaling like fury or lifting your feet up to let the pedals churn below, swerving just in time to miss an elderly pedestrian and ending up in a ditch in fits of laughter alongside your friends — just the thrill of it — that is the tricycle. Of course a...
Therapeutic Benefits Developing Recreation Skills in Persons with Learning Disabilities
Lorraine C. Peniston selected excerpts, Sagamore Publishing, 1998 FOREWORD by Regina Cicci, Ph.D. Perhaps nothing reveals so much about individuals as how they choose to play - how they invest their time and energy for leisure time. Leisure is that time free from demands of school, work, or required activities of daily living. Everyone needs regular recreation that develops skills, promotes good health...