
Why use a Rifton Mobile Stander?

| July 2007

1. To promote upright interaction

The Mobile Stander enables clients with conditions such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, leg amputation, spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury who are unable to stand and walk independently to become mobile while safely supported in an upright position. A client standing in the Mobile Stander is at the eye level of peers, facilitating social interactions with their environment.

2. To improve weight-bearing, weight-shifting, and trunk control

The Mobile Stander can be used to promote development of the motor skills necessary to increase independence in standing.

Self propulsion in the stander stimulates the vestibular system, cerebellar input for balance, and somatosensory cueing – all of which leads to improved trunk control and righting responses.

Weight bearing within prescribed limitations in an upright position has been shown to be beneficial for strength, bone mineral density, intestinal motility, postural control, tone reduction, musculoskeletal development, pulmonary function, and integumentary integrity. Learn more about building standing skills with the Mobile Stander.

3. It's versatile and easy to maneuver.

Available in five sizes, the Mobile Stander is designed for children and adolescents from 25" to 65" tall, from 50 to 175 lbs. Versatile accessories can help you customize the stander for your client's needs. Because it was designed for children, the Mobile Stander is easy to move and maneuver, allowing your client the greatest possible mobility and independence.

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