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portrait of Susanna

Susanna Mommsen

Fourteen years ago I began my career with Rifton by mailing out promotional items. Now I design them. I have been project manager for the catalog for the last few years, and spend the rest of my time working on upkeep of design and photography for the website, catalog, brochures, product manuals and reference guides. For example, I love it when our design team tells me, “all the footrests on the Activity chair will be black from now on. Is that something you can change in Photo Shop?” The answer is mostly yes – it is also the best way to get to know your company’s products!

When my eyes are worn out from all the concentrated staring at my screen, I’ll go home and play with my three little daughters, do all the things that a mom does, and maybe still have energy to go out for a walk in the beautiful Catskill mountains where I live, or make a painting of them from my window.

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