Sieglinde Martin, MS PT

Sieglinde Martin, MS, PT, is a physical therapist with more than thirty years of clinical experience working with children with cerebral palsy and their families. She is author of the book, Teaching Motor Skills to Children With Cerebral Palsy And Similar Movement Disorders: A Guide for Parents And Professionals.

Tips & Advice A Learning Environment for Your Child with Cerebral Palsy October 09, 2010 by Sieglinde Martin, MS PT
Cerebral palsy is a condition that affects posture and movement. Insufficient postural control makes it difficult for the children to maintain a position and to keep their balance. When Chris sits he may fall backwards or to the side. He stands with support but without help he cannot do it. Anna can sit and play in tailor sitting on the floor or in her chair at the table. When she stands at her play table...
Tips & Advice A Learning Environment for Your Child with Cerebral Palsy February 20, 2010 by Sieglinde Martin, MS PT
Your child is no longer a baby. He is two - but he is no toddler. He may not even be a sitter. All he may like to do is roll. Stretched out on the floor, he rolls wherever he wants to go. Your house is roomy. You try to keep it reasonably picked up and vacuumed - even though Jared does not mind dust bunnies, and the stuff on the floor is most interesting to him. Especially so if it is not a toy but...
Tips & Advice A Learning Environment for Your Child with Cerebral Palsy December 15, 2008 by Sieglinde Martin, MS PT
Your child has cerebral palsy and you want to give him a good start in life. You enroll him in an early childhood program and take him to the recommended therapy sessions. You attend them regularly and follow home instructions faithfully. Can you do more? Yes, you can. You can give your child many hours of learning at home. Typically, your young child spends 1-3 hours a week in therapy. If your child...