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Richard Harvey

Richard Harvey

Richard Harvey’s passion for Postural Management stems from his eight years of working for the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom. It was during this time that the seeds for his passion were firmly planted, and now Harvey dedicates much of his time to promoting the importance of Postural Management.

Harvey has gained valuable insight and experience working in a variety of different clinical settings; the one he took the greatest inspiration from was his time in Pediatrics. It was his privilege to work alongside many children and young people with complex physical disabilities for a number of years. This experience led him to join the team at Jiraffe, where he uses his skills to create new solutions for children. Harvey is able to advocate excellence and champion the importance of twenty-four-hour Postural Management for the clients Jiraffe works with every day.

After joining the team at Jiraffe Harvey became a Product Advisor, making recommendations for provisions in seating, standing, toileting and mobility. This work experience inspired him to further expand his skills and knowledge around the assessment of posture. He undertook a postgraduate certification in Postural Management for People with Complex Disabilities (accredited by Oxford Brookes University) at the renowned Oxford Centre for Enablement at Nuffield Orthopaedic Hospital. Harvey plans to continue his studies and gain a full MSc in this field.

His current position of National Clinical Training Manager involves creating and facilitating postural and product training for staff, customers and therapists.

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