Janine Brouwer, MSPT

janine brouwer listingJanine received her B.A. from Calvin College and her Physical Therapy education from Boston University.  She spent three years providing PT services to inpatients and outpatients at a hospital in central Illinois, then 13 years treating adults and children at Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  For the past 8 years she has been working in Physical Therapy in Grand Rapids with the students at Lincoln Developmental Center, a center-based special education school where children and young adults ages 6-26 delight in exploring their world.

Stories Lincoln Developmental Center Art Project May 20, 2014 by Janine Brouwer, MSPT
For a few weeks in February and March of this year the students at Lincoln Developmental Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan donned paint shirts and participated in a school-wide art project. Using Rifton chairs, Pacers, or Mobile Standers, they gathered around large canvases to create paintings of figures very much like themselves - moving about and exploring their world with the help of their adaptive...