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Ginny Paleg, PT, MPT, DScPT

Ginny Paleg, PT

Ginny Paleg is an NDT certified pediatric PT from Silver Spring, Maryland.  She has worked at NIH, a pediatric rehab hospital (for 8 yrs), and in schools (8 yrs).  She currently works for her local school system in their early intervention program.  Ginny earned her Masters Degree in Physical Therapy at Emory University and her DScPT  at the University of Maryland Baltimore.  She is on the editorial board of Rehab Management Magazine and the APTA Pediatric Section reimbursement representative for the state of Maryland.  Ginny has presented and published nationally and internationally including APTA, Medtrade, Canadian Seating and Mobility, World Physical Therapy Conference and AACPDM.  She is an author of two RESNA position papers (Supported Standing Devices and Pediatric Power Mobility).  Ginny was a keynote speaker at the International Seating Symposium in 2010 and a presented at the Australian Academy of Cerebral Palsy in Christ's Church New Zealand in March 2010 .  Ginny also presented her dissertation as a long program at APTA’s CSM in San Diego in February, 2010 as well as participated in the pre-conference on body weight support gait therapy.

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