David Zoller, PT

David Zoller is the Lead Therapist at Socorro Independent School District located in El Paso, TX. He is a 1992 graduate of the University of New Mexico where he received his physical therapy degree. Mr. Zoller has been a school-based therapist for 24 years. He is a MOVE International Trainer and a Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Instructor for the American Heart Association.

Tips & Advice Toileting in Schools with the TRAM July 05, 2016 by David Zoller, PT
Using the Rifton TRAM for toileting can make a huge difference for both students and staff, providing both safety during transfers to the toilet and dignity and privacy for the student. Because students with disabilities have a wide range of needs, there are many ways to use the TRAM for this purpose. Here are some methods we’ve found here at Socorro,  presented as three case studies. (I&rsquo...