Stories Using the TRAM for Safe Transfers and Mobility in the School Setting March 13, 2018 by Terri Goebel, PT, Kellie Ray, ESE Teacher and Tara Wayland, OTR/L
Our team of therapists and educators works together to provide opportunities for functional mobility to our students throughout the school day.The challenges we face include a variety of health diagnoses, behavioral management issues, and cognitive and physical deficits. These situations require team problem solving for safe and efficient physical management of the student while maximizing participation in...
Stories Rifton TRAM Success Stories May 21, 2013 by Edith Keiderling
Contributed by Kathleen Riley PT, ATP Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte, North Carolina I work in a school system with a variety of students with physical needs that require individualized consideration for safety in the restroom. We use a variety of equipment to assist with transfers and managing their personal needs. We’ve recently had success with the Rifton TRAM with several students...
Stories Never Lose Hope June 18, 2013 by Elena Noble, MPT
The Keren Malki Foundation in Israel In 1997 Malki Roth wrote an article for Exceptional Parent magazine about caring for her two-year old sister, Haya Elisheva, who had severe mental and physical disabilities. The article was called “Never Lose Hope!” Four short years later, 15 year old Malki was killed in a senseless and tragic suicide bombing at the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem, Israel...