Stories Using the TRAM for Safe Transfers and Mobility in the School Setting March 13, 2018 by Terri Goebel, PT, Kellie Ray, ESE Teacher and Tara Wayland, OTR/L
Our team of therapists and educators works together to provide opportunities for functional mobility to our students throughout the school day.The challenges we face include a variety of health diagnoses, behavioral management issues, and cognitive and physical deficits. These situations require team problem solving for safe and efficient physical management of the student while maximizing participation in...
Stories Rifton TRAM Success Stories May 21, 2013 by Edith Keiderling
Contributed by Kathleen Riley PT, ATP Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte, North Carolina I work in a school system with a variety of students with physical needs that require individualized consideration for safety in the restroom. We use a variety of equipment to assist with transfers and managing their personal needs. We’ve recently had success with the Rifton TRAM with several students...
PT/OT The Importance of Measuring Partial Weight Bearing October 09, 2012 by Elena Noble, MPT
A Conversation with Sue Cecere, PT, MIT Rifton is pleased to have Sue Cecere, PT, MIT join us for this conversation. This topic was initiated after Sue and a fellow therapist toured our Rifton factory; they were introduced to our newest product – the Rifton TRAM. One of the features on this transfer and mobility device is a scale. In addition to simple weight measurements, this scale can also measure...
Tips & Advice Toileting Transfer Tips for Individuals with Muscular Dystrophy December 02, 2016 by Elena Noble, MPT
Transferring someone with low tone and little or no weight bearing to and from the toilet is challenging. Along with a dependent lift, a therapist must guard against the individual slipping down or sagging during the seat-to-seat transfer in addition to managing clothing. Even with lifting devices it is difficult to execute a smooth, dignified, safe transfer with an individual unable to maintain any...
Tips & Advice Toileting in Schools with the TRAM July 05, 2016 by David Zoller, PT
Using the Rifton TRAM for toileting can make a huge difference for both students and staff, providing both safety during transfers to the toilet and dignity and privacy for the student. Because students with disabilities have a wide range of needs, there are many ways to use the TRAM for this purpose. Here are some methods we’ve found here at Socorro,  presented as three case studies. (I&rsquo...
Stories Never Lose Hope June 18, 2013 by Elena Noble, MPT
The Keren Malki Foundation in Israel In 1997 Malki Roth wrote an article for Exceptional Parent magazine about caring for her two-year old sister, Haya Elisheva, who had severe mental and physical disabilities. The article was called “Never Lose Hope!” Four short years later, 15 year old Malki was killed in a senseless and tragic suicide bombing at the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem, Israel...
News MOVE ing Forward January 08, 2013 by Gilbert Thomson, PT
An update on the MOVE Curriculum As many of you will know, we at Rifton have worked with MOVE International over many years. For those who don’t know, the MOVE program is an activity-based curriculum designed to teach students with disabilities basic functional motor skills of sitting, standing, walking and transitions needed for life within the home and community environments. The last fifteen years...
PT/OT The Sugar Rush Bakery November 14, 2017 by Deanne Inkell, DPT
Action-packed days are the norm in the Meadowood Program,- a branch of the Red Clay School District that provides Special Education services.  Our goal is to use every opportunity to teach by embedding IEP skills into daily activities. Our student-focused approach supported by our team of therapists, classroom teachers and paraprofessionals follows the Mobility Opportunities Via Education (MOVE&trade...
News Sharing Our Abilities June 12, 2012 by Mark Greenyer
I just returned from the Abilities Expo 2012 in New Jersey. Those of you who’ve been there will know the parade of families and caregivers I saw all weekend – families who are struggling against enormous odds. Strangely, though, I came home enormously uplifted, and I feel like telling you about some of the people I met. First there was a young couple with their four-year-old son Tommy (not his...
PT/OT Out in Front with Mechanical Lifts in Schools February 27, 2017 by Elena Noble, MPT
Last week I attended the Combined Section Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. It was held in San Antonio (great choice, especially in February!) and included some excellent programming. I’d like to share highlights from one of the workshops which focused on using lift and transfer devices in schools. It was presented by therapists from four large school districts. Each district...
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