Stories Using the TRAM for Safe Transfers and Mobility in the School Setting March 13, 2018 by Terri Goebel, PT, Kellie Ray, ESE Teacher and Tara Wayland, OTR/L
Our team of therapists and educators works together to provide opportunities for functional mobility to our students throughout the school day.The challenges we face include a variety of health diagnoses, behavioral management issues, and cognitive and physical deficits. These situations require team problem solving for safe and efficient physical management of the student while maximizing participation in...
Stories Rifton TRAM Aids Post Stroke Rehabilitation A Testimonial February 12, 2013 by Elena Noble, MPT
Contributed by Rachel LeBlanc. Our Dad, Grandpa Jim, suffered a stroke at age 85 and lost most of the use and control of his left side, especially his left arm and leg. We soon faced the fact that he was no longer able to walk or stand, and began learning how to move him from his bed to a wheelchair or the commode, and back. The toll this took on our backs and shoulders was immediately apparent. Right at...
Stories Rifton TRAM Success Stories May 21, 2013 by Edith Keiderling
Contributed by Kathleen Riley PT, ATP Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte, North Carolina I work in a school system with a variety of students with physical needs that require individualized consideration for safety in the restroom. We use a variety of equipment to assist with transfers and managing their personal needs. We’ve recently had success with the Rifton TRAM with several students...
Stories Great Strides with the Rifton TRAM March 12, 2015 by Cathy Ripmaster, MSPT
A few years ago we welcomed a non-traditional student – we’ll call him Jay – at Lincoln Developmental Center (LDC) where we work. Most of our students have had a development disorder since birth; most are undersized and fit well into traditional equipment, but Jay sustained a traumatic brain injury at the age of 14 and arrived at LDC at the age of 17, fully grown, with limited positioning...
Stories Kandi An Inspiration to Rifton January 15, 2013 by Clare Stober
Kandi Elmore likes her independence. And a good challenge. At the age of 43, Kandi has a long history of creating change. Diagnosed as having cerebral palsy with spastic quadriplegia before the age of two, Kandi faced an uncertain future. But with a positive attitude and her mother’s unwavering support, Kandi grew up a determined young girl who challenged boundaries and unwittingly became one of...