How To’s Cleaning Rifton Equipment
All of our products are tested to withstand a 10% bleach solution. Because of this, we expect that most commercial disinfectants can be used on our equipment without harming it...
How To’s Straps and Supports Poster Text
Rifton Equipment is intended to help children achieve the highest possible level of independence and personal dignity. Straps and supports should be used only when they support this goal. General uses for straps and supports include: Postural Support: Some children need supports and straps to maintain their posture as they do activities with their head and hands, and to prevent developing deformities...
How To’s Using the Rifton Activity Chair with Forearm Prompts
The Rifton Activity Chair replaces the Advancement Chair. The Rifton Activity Chair simplifies the lives of caregivers while empowering clients to build sitting skills that will enable them to take part in more activities than ever before. The ground–breaking therapy chair is built on the same concept as the Rifton Advancement Chair. All Rifton Activity Chair positioning options and prompt...