Stories Never Lose Hope June 18, 2013 by Elena Noble, MPT
The Keren Malki Foundation in Israel In 1997 Malki Roth wrote an article for Exceptional Parent magazine about caring for her two-year old sister, Haya Elisheva, who had severe mental and physical disabilities. The article was called “Never Lose Hope!” Four short years later, 15 year old Malki was killed in a senseless and tragic suicide bombing at the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem, Israel...
Stories Running for Scott April 17, 2012 by Erna Albertz
Contributed by Jennifer Burke, caregiver A few years ago I was looking around for a part-time job when I heard that the parents of one of my students were looking for help for their 9-year-old son. They were offering $10 an hour. I took it. I had no idea my life would change forever. Before I first met Scott I was told he used to be a “normal” kid. But the boy I met was anything but. He was in...
Stories My Brother the Soldier April 03, 2012 by Elena Noble, MPT
Here’s a beautiful essay I think you’ll want to share with others. It was submitted to me by Maureen Swinger, written in remembrance of her younger brother Duane. I was deeply touched and I think you will be too. Duane was born healthy, but when he was three months old, he was attacked by his first grand mal seizure, with countless to follow. I say attacked because they were vicious, painful to...