How To’s Arm Prompt Positioning Tutorial
The arm supports of Rifton's Pacer gait trainer offer a wide variety of positioning options for upper extremity stability, comfort, steering, and assistance with head control, weight-bearing and weight-shifting. Use this tutorial as a guide for great positioning outcomes. Clamp Placement The clamp is the foundation for arm...
How To’s Guidelines for Functional Use of the Pacer Gait Trainer part II
In the Pacer gait trainer children with a wide variety of disabilities can gain independent movement while provided with appropriate support. The Pacer accessories are infinitely adjustable to accommodate the individual needs of almost any person. Many people use the Pacer without fully appreciating the adjustments that are possible. Last week we took a closer look at the Pacer frame and upper body...
How To’s Guidelines for Functional Use of the Pacer Gait Trainer part I
In the Pacer gait trainer children with a wide variety of disabilities can gain independent movement while provided with appropriate support. The Pacer accessories (we call them prompts) are infinitely adjustable to accommodate the individual needs of almost any person. Each prompt is also removable so as the client’s motor skills improve they can be removed. Many people use the Pacer without fully...