Videos Rifton Equipment Testimonial
A mother discusses the critical role adaptive equipment plays in her daughter’s life.
Videos Chest Prompt
Cathy Ripmaster, MSPT demonstrates the chest prompt on the Rifton Pacer and discusses positioning for effective gait training.
Videos Arm Prompts
Cathy Ripmaster, MSPT demonstrates the arm prompts on the Rifton Pacer and discusses positioning for effective gait training.
Videos Series Intro
Introducing “Pacer Positioning in Depth,” a new video series with Cathy Ripmaster, MSPT. We’ll talk about the various Pacer support and positioning components and demonstrate how to use them.
Videos Pacer Handlebars & Chest Pad
The Pacer handlebars and chest pad form a lightweight configuration perfect for higher functioning users. Available for small, medium and large Pacers, these components allow easy transfers and quick adjustment.
Videos Team Agar at the Reeds Lake Triathlon
Team Agar at the Rhoades McKee Reeds Lake Triathlon in Grand Rapids, MI, September 5, 2019.
Videos Johnny Agar
Watch the inspiring story of Johnny Agar, an athlete and Rifton Pacer user.
Videos MPS Posterior Adjustment
Watch this video to learn how to quickly and easily reverse the Multi Positioning Saddle (MPS) of the Rifton Pacer when using it as a posterior walker.
Videos Functions of the Pacer Caster
  Brake: Fully locks the Pacer wheel. Drag: Creates resistance on the wheel. Swivel Lock: Positions and maintains the wheel in a straight line (no lateral movement). Direction Lock: Positions wheel to move in one direction only (blocks involuntary backward movement). Odometer: Record client progress in feet or meters (selected at the time of purchase).
Videos Pacer Treadmill Base Demo
Lori Potts, PT demonstrates how the Pacer can be used over a treadmill with the innovative treadmill base. Video Transcript   This is Rifton’s treadmill base and would be used over a treadmill that is set up in a clinic or home. The idea here is that we first establish the optimal settings for a particular child and then approach the treadmill walking. When the child is about ready to step up...
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